Monday, April 5, 2010

Thoughts on March

The goals for this month were fairly straightforward: more mileage (without re-aggravating past injuries); less days off; and more doubles. Looking back at the numbers I believe it is safe to say that I neared all of these objectives and potentially verged on meeting all three. A satisfying feeling no doubt, but work still to be done.

In the end, what was most satisfying was re-establishing past routines and finding a consistent approach to each week. Although this suggest a certain degree of rigidity (further implying the notion of “work” and “forced), the month of running felt the complete contrary. Notwithstanding following similar routes, distances, and form, each run was so distinctly unique; superficially identical but differentiated in so many more significant ways. With each passing day the legs felt lighter, the cadence a hint more efficient, and the breathing more rhythmic and subdued. Arduous hills lost their abrupt vigour and became manageable yet concerted efforts. The technical trails of the North Shore Mountains no longer required a forced placement of the feet, or a calculated step-up; it just seemed to happen, my legs seeking those familiar grounds. If anything, it is these aspects of my runs that spur the most optimism for the upcoming summer mountain running season.

Total Miles: 260
Total Time: 41 hours
Running days: 24 of 31 (all days taken off were “scheduled”)
Average Run Length: 10.8 miles

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